Down to Earth Toys – Toy Giveaway!



Carrin, from Down to Earth Toys is giving away a shaker rattle. This handmade, heirloom quality rattle is all natural and made out of reclaimed woods from the Pacific Northwest. It makes an excellent teether, musical instrument or even a worry stone. It soft smooth service is perfect for little hands to grasp. To read about our experience with this rattle and other items from Down to Earth Toys please read the review HERE.

Share this giveaway on your own blog or other site that you frequent (make sure it is allowed first) and receive an extra entry for each website you post it on. Simply include the link to where you posted the giveaway within your comment. If you need to leave an extra comment with the links you posted it to, that is fine. The giveaway address is:

To enter the contest simply answer the question below in the comments section. Remember, there is no right or wrong answers and it does not matter if your answer is fancy or a few words:

“As a child what was your favorite toy? Why?” or “What was the toy that you ALWAYS wanted but you never had or were not allowed to have?”

Hmm. Nothing is really springing to my mind on this one. I do remember wanting a swing set and never having one. Seriously, mom and dad, what was that all about? I’m trying to think of a favorite or cherished toy and the only thing that I keep coming back to is this doll that I received for Christmas when I was 7  called “P J Sparkles”. Anyone remember that doll? I still remember the little commercial jingle and everything. “P J Sparkles, shine a light on me. Shine! Shine! Shine! When I give you a hug, you light up with love. And all through the night, when I’m holding you tight.” LOLOL

Now I wish I would have kept P J Sparkles because I know my daughter would love her. And just for good measure here is a picture of her (taken from the all wonderful eBay. She is going for a pretty penny these days).


Contest ends Sunday December 14th at 11:59 pm. Winner will be announced Monday December 15th.

The Much Anticipated Waldorf Doll

For quite some time I have been looking for a Waldorfish doll for Camden to play with instead of her gazillion plastic babies that have infiltrated our house in their impressive tactical maneuvers. Like Gremlins, I swear those things multiply at midnight when no one is looking. Everywhere I turn there is another plastic baby hiding – in the car, in the closet, in the bathtub, under my bed – but never ever in their little baby beds. That would be too practical now wouldn’t it? They are loved and discarded in quick little bouts.

So I’ve been wanting to get Cami a Waldorf style doll to replace the hard plastic babies that sprinkle our home. This whole China recall mess only further encouraged their replacement with a sooner rather than later timeframe. I’ve been spending the last few months googling Waldorf dolls and particularly weighted babies which give children the added sense of a real baby and also has therapeutic play value. I wanted something of quality and something made with love. Something made from a work-at-home mom with time and care. Something special. I finally found it through Etsy and am so pleased with the doll.

The doll is weighted to about 3lbs and is so much cuter in person than in the pictures. She has been reserved for Camden’s Birthday which is on Christmas Eve. It has taken a lot of self-control not to give the doll to Cami early. Here is the precious doll. Barbara, the doll’s maker, was even so sweet as to make a mini-version of the doll (seen on the doll’s lap). The doll is about 20 inches long: