Help!! Regarding Giveaways

Okay everyone, I don’t usually do this but I need your help. Lots of you are looking at the giveaways and not participating. A couple of you have told me that you are intimidated by answering the questions or you don’t figure you’ll win anyhow.

First of all, what you comment about doesn’t matter. For all I care you can say, “bippity boppity boo” or “I see dead people” or “my name is Bob and I am a recovering mulletholic. I don’t care what you say. The questions are there to add a bit of spice to the giveaways and to keep them from being too boring or redundant. You can even just put your name and the city your from. Whatever floats your boat. Remember that the winner is not picked based on their comment. It is a completely random drawing but the only way you can enter is by *leaving* a comment. So please don’t worry about what you say. It doesn’t have to be cute or funny or witty. Don’t spend 15 minutes of your time staring at the monitor trying to think of something to say. If you don’t want to answer the question, don’t!

As far as assuming you won’t win anyway…well you most definitely will not win if you don’t participate. You might be pleasantly surprised. Just comment and see what happens.

Remember there is no cost to you and no hidden fees or anything like that. You win and we ship it to you. You don’t go on some secret mailing list where we’ll bombard you with junk mail or anything. I’m just a regular mom and I hardly have enough time for sleeping and showering let alone mass producing junk mail, licking an envelope and then attaching a stamp only to drive down to a local post office and stand in line for hours just trying to find a parking spot. Not gonna happen.

You are also not obligated to keep the product. You may use it, gift it, donate it, sell it. It’s yours. Do what you will with it.

If people don’t start participating in the giveaways we won’t be able to do them anymore and that would be sad, well it would certainly make me sad. I love being able to help others out and free is fun. It is the highlight of my week, don’t take that away from me. Kidding! Well, sort of.

So what do we get out of it? The chance to give these moms and their products some extra exposure. That’s all. They are trying to make a living like the rest of us and their products are their attempt at helping to provide for their families. By giving away something free we are generating exposure and excitement over their products.

For a limited time (to help up the exposure) I am offering additional entries into the contests for linking to the contests from blogs, websites, chat forums, etc. You will receive one additional entry for each website that you link to. You just need to post a comment with the websites you put a link at. There is no limit currently. So if you post the contest to 10 different sites you get 10 different entries into the contest. Email forums are also fine. Just email me a copy of the email and the group/individuals it was sent to. One entry per group (not per person).

Please spread the word. Please?


Here are links to our current giveaways. You will also find them on the top right side in the toolbar.

Michiko Kids

Down to Earth Toys

Reuben Christopher

Baubles and Bums

One comment

  1. Beth · December 11, 2008

    your Reuben Christopher link is not good – it gives a 404 error

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