A Natural Cure for the Cough


My friend Shelby shared with me a most amazing natural cure for a cough. Raw honey! And I was impressed that it actually works! My daughter picked up a pretty nasty and mucousy cough that keeps her hacking away at night and sounding like she is going to gag on her sputum. We had been giving her B&T Children’s Cough & Bronchial Syrup (which is natural, by the way) but it didn’t really seem to be doing much for the cough. Funny, it wasn’t until after I started giving her the raw honey that I realized that B&T’s also has a honey base.

So, the first night I gave her a spoonful of raw honey (which she was not very excited about) and literally she only coughed one more time (10 minutes later). It was wonderful. We have now used it occasionally over the last few days when she can’t seem to nix her cough (she doesn’t mind taking it now). There is a tremendous difference in her cough as soon as we administer the honey.

Plus you don’t need to worry about nasty side effects or what kind of chemicals/dyes they are ingesting along with the medication. And parents have need to worry. Not too long ago there was an overall recall for any infant cough and cold medicine. Interestingly the recall is only for children 2 and under however doctors have admitted there is a risk to children as old as six.

Here are some links on the benefits of raw honey which tastes so much better than store-bought honey (which I can barely stand).





Merck is Caught Dumping Chemicals in Pennsylvania

Merck is having a really bad week.

Today a settlement was announced with Merck with the EPA and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Merck was caught dumping potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) which reacted with the water supply and caused extensive fish kills in the Wissahickon Creek in June and caused them to stop their drinking water intake for several days and any recreational use of the creek. They also got caught dumping spent substrate and cleaning agents in August.

Merck will be paying out 1,575,000 in penalties and $10 million to put into place systems that will prevent future dangerous discharges at their facility. They will also be spending approximately $9 million for extensive environmental projects.

Article HERE

And the plot thickens… Merck’s MMR II recalled in Canada


So, I’m pretty sure most of us haven’t heard about this recall yet.

On December 12th, Alberta Canada recalled the MMR II vaccine which was distributed in Alberta after 5 patients had anaphylactic reactions to the vaccine during a vaccination campaign. All of the patients were adult, had an allergy history and have fully recovered. Clearly, however, something is amiss. Merck Frosst Canada is currently soliciting reports of any adverse reactions elsewhere.

The five cases of illness came from lot 1529U which was distributed in Alberta and has been recalled. They have also recalled two other lots which were made from the same materials: 1528U and 1680U.

And yet through it all comes the very commonly heard phrase told to parents “there is no need to worry…”

Here are some articles that address the topic:




Vaccine Recall


Did anyone catch this very underplayed announcement?

Merck has recalled 1.2 million doses of the Hib vaccine, specifically PedvaxHib and Comvax. The recall was issued because, according to Merck, “The company cannot assure sterility for these specific vaccine lots.” According to their Q&A in regards to the recall they have this to say:

“The potential for contamination of any individual vaccine is low, and, if present, the level of contamination would be low. However, because they cannot guarantee the sterility of these specific lots of vaccine, Merck is conducting this recall.”

Uh huh. Sure. Also interesting to note. Neither Merck or the FDA are big on advertising this recall on their main pages. There is absolutely no announcement or link to a recall announcement on their front pages. Why?

Take Merck for example. Even when you click on “Patients and Caregivers” there is nothing mentioned. Nor is it mentioned if you follow the “Product News” section in the bottom middle of their homepage. And if you type in the keyword “recall” in their search function it returns nothing in regards to the current recall. The only place you’ll find this hidden gem on their website is by clicking on the header “Newsroom” under “Press Releases”. For a company whose motto is “Where patients come first,” they sure seem to be challenged in communicating important safety information to their patients.

As far as the Food and Drug Administrations website goes the only way I could find info on the recall was to type in “merck recall” into the search function. I found no info on their Homepage, under Hot Topics, under Recalls & Alerts, under Press Releases, or under Drug Safety. The keyword search of recall also does not return the Merck Recall (at least not on the first page, I didn’t feel like searching through all 10 pages). Nope. To find information on this recall from the FDA or Merck you basically all ready need to know it exists.

Thank you Nikki for pointing out to me that I didn’t even find the current recall from the FDA site. The link I found by searching “Merck Recall” was from a recall back in 2001. She finally found the correct recall by searching under “Comvax Recall.” Astounding. I find it hard to believe that the FDA couldn’t find a simpler way to communicate this recall.

Here are the links to where I finally found the announcement of this recall on both sites:

FDA: http://www.fda.gov/cber/recalls/merhav121001.htm

http://www.fda.gov/cber/recalls/merckhib121107.htm – thank you Nikki!

Merck: http://www.merck.com/newsroom/press_releases/product/2007_1212.html

By the way, I took screen-shots of these websites to illustrate my point but I can’t figure out how to get the screen-shots into wordpress. It doesn’t allow me to paste and I can’t figure out how to save the screen-shots as an image that I could upload. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know.

And why no screen-time on the news? Why did Brittney Spears and Stacy Peterson and every other news story that doesn’t affect the average American take precedence over this recall alert? Because pharmaceutical companies have their hands in many arenas of life that many of us don’t recognize or don’t want to believe.

So help spread the word. Because you can believe this would be the top news story airing around the nation if this vaccine had been manufactured in say, China…

Editing to add:

There also seems to be a lack of online news coverage of this recall as well. I’m hoping everyone will air this story more starting tomorrow 12/13. For now, here are the top results from google on “Merck Recall”. Notice the almost complete lack of real information on this recall. When you search “Merck Recall” most of the results belong to other recalls that have occured in the past.

Reuters, the number 1 result, dedicated a whole 3 sentences to the recall: http://www.reuters.com/article/governmentFilingsNews/idUSWBT00804820071212

Huliq.com: http://www.huliq.com/44645/hib-vaccine-recall-merck-due-contamination

Emaxhealth: http://www.emaxhealth.com/90/19013.html

MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22224884/

Additionaly, when I searched under “Vaccine Recall” the top result was still Reuters outstanding 3 sentence coverage. Also pulled up were:

About.com: http://pediatrics.about.com/b/2007/12/12/hib-vaccine-recall.htm

Winknews.com: http://www.winknews.com/news/local/12448056.html

The search also returned the Huliq, emaxhealth and TADA…

**the FDA recall (which was the last result on page 1 – interesting)

Thanks to Amercianmum for your viewing pleasure I give you the following screen shots taken just after midnight on 12/13/2007.


**Merck’s Home Page**

Nothing in regards to recall

Merck Home Page on 12/13

**Merck’s Patients & Caregivers Page**

Still no info about recall…

Merck Patients and Caregivers

**Merck Product News**

Nope, nothing here…

Merck Product News

**Merck Newsroom**

Finally!! Something about the recall

Merck Newsroom


Here are the FDA screen-shots. There is no excuse.


**The FDA Homepage Top Screen**

Nothing at all in regards to Merck Recall

FDA Homepage Top


**FDA Homepage Bottom Page**

Nothing here either…

FDA Homepage Bottom

**FDA Link to Press Releases**

Nothing here…

FDA Press Releases


**FDA Recalls Top of Page**

Wouldn’t it make sense for it to be here? It’s not…

FDA Recalls Top Page

**FDA Recalls Middle Page**

It wasn’t further down the screen either, look at the dates

FDA Recalls Middle Page

Here is the first FDA Search. Searched “Recall”

Nothing here…

***FDA Search “Recalls”

How about if I add an “S”? …. Nope, still nothing

***FDA Search: Merck Recall”

This should definitely pull it up. Nope, the old recall of 2001

FDA Search

FDA Search “Comvax Recall”

Tada there it is…

FDA Search