Newborn Nanipoo Giveaway


Newborn Nanipoo Giveaway!

In my opinion there is nothing cuter than a newborn baby sporting a Nanipoo cloth diaper. During my pregnancy with Garrett I spent a lot of time stalking Shannon’s Hyena Cart for cute newborn diapers. Much to my amazement my son was born weighing a whopping 11lbs 3 oz (his family nickname is Goliath) so we were unable to use the cute newborn size however I did stock up on smalls and we loved them! They are definitely one of the best newborn diapers out there and they have a nice cutout for the umbilical cord.

UPDATE: There has been some confusion on the type of diaper that a nanipoo is. It is actually a fitted diaper and will require a cover to be “leak proof”. It is not a diaper cover. When we used them we usually didn’t use covers, just changed him when he wet them.

To enter the Nanipoo giveaway and win the adorable butterfly and flower print Nanipoo pictured above simply leave a comment below answering one (or both) of the following questions:

“What is your favorite, gotta have it, can’t imagine living without it, baby product?” Or  “What is the most pointless baby product that is still on the market. One of those things that everyone registers for but never uses or something you’d just like to see never used again.”

Don’t have any kids yet? No problem. You can answer the questions or you can simply say “hi!” in the comments. Don’t feel like putting a pink diaper with flowers and butterflies on your little boys bum? Me neither! In that case you can still enter to win the diaper if you want and you can save it for a gift, put it on junior when dad isn’t looking and snap a picture to use as blackmail (or a funny holiday postcard), donate it, sell it, put it on the family dog, really it doesn’t matter. Once it is yours you can do whatever you want with it.

The giveaway will end next Thursday (Nov 20th) at 11:59pm pacific standard time. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Friday the 21st. The winner will have 72 hours from the announcement to contact me to collect their prize. If the prize is not collected another random winner will be chosen. I recommend that you subscribe to the blog to make sure you don’t miss the announcement.

Good Luck!

To learn more about Nanipoo Cloth Diapers please go to the following link:


I forgot to answer the questions myself. Here goes, my favorite gotta have it baby product thus far is definitely a wrap. I wish, wish, wish I would have had one with Camden when she was a newborn. Instead I struggled with an uncomfortable Baby Bjorn that hurt my back. I picked up my first wrap when I was a nanny for a baby and it was such a blessing! I can’t imagine not having a wrap now. I have two moby’s (I meant to sell one of them and just haven’t gotten around to it) and I have an amazing Didymos that my friend Emeth gave me. For useless products I’d have to say the Diaper Genie. We registered and received one of those with Camden. Seriously those things WREAK and frankly I don’t think they’re worth the hassle. Plus, all I can envision is all of those diaper sausages filling up landfills. LOL.


  1. cindy · November 20, 2008

    My favorite product: wool puddle pads. Great for protecting the mattress when older kids that occasionally wet the bed and great for putting under a diaper free baby to save on laundry!
    Most useless product: Baby movies and TV shows. Anyone who would sit their kid in front of a tv needs to think about what they are doing. Kids need to use their imagination and learn real life stuff at their own pace!

  2. Michelle · November 20, 2008

    I love my ring sling! It was a total lifesaver when my preschooler was small. I am so looking forward to using it again when this little bean arrives in a few months!

    The most useless baby gift we were given was the diaper genie. Instead of cleaning it out for the 20th time after the first week, it got sent to the trash. At that time we were using spoises so the dipes and the diaper genie went to the trash together and we switched to cloth

  3. Mary Beth · November 20, 2008

    “What is the most pointless baby product that is still on the market. One of those things that everyone registers for but never uses or something you’d just like to see never used again.”

    Diaper genie seems pretty useless. We’ve never needed one since we CD but it just seems like a trumped up trash can and I never hear people saying good things about them.

  4. Trisha · November 20, 2008

    What is your favorite, gotta have it, can’t imagine living without it, baby product?”

    Both my sling and my nursing pillow were gotta have items!!

  5. Selmada · November 18, 2008

    #1 and #2 are on the way so I can only go by what I absolutely had to have once I knew.
    I got a moby wrap. I fully believe in baby wearing and from everything I’ve read, a moby is an ‘easier’ choice for wearing newborn twins (different options later on). I’ve already practiced putting it on and using a couple of dolls(before I get too big to try)

    So far, since they are not here, nothing is useless, but I’m sure lots will be.

  6. Ashley Laschon · November 18, 2008

    I didn’t know if you wanted my email or postal mail address so I left my email. If you need to know my postal address, I’m on diaperswappers as crunchymama0607 :)

  7. Ashley Laschon · November 18, 2008

    “What is your favorite, gotta have it, can’t imagine living without it, baby product?” Or “What is the most pointless baby product that is still on the market. One of those things that everyone registers for but never uses or something you’d just like to see never used again.”

    I’d have to say that my favorite, gotta have it baby product would be the Beco. Saved me ALOT of frusteration because I could get the house cleaned and go places without him fussing or his sister attacking him when my back was turned. Gotta love the toddler years :p

    As for the most pointless I’d have to say…..the Johnny Jumper thing. It makes the baby sag to the ground and doesn’t fit most doors.

  8. Cynthia Plummer · November 17, 2008

    I think the product I would like to see go away are those diaper genie diaper pails. I always see people with these things and no one ever uses them.

    My gotta have it product is hand sanitizer LOL I love that stuff.

  9. Lili · November 17, 2008

    For us the most important thing we have for our daughter is a fleece blanket that’s actually large enough to swaddle a child over two weeks old. My daughter is 1yr and still loves to be swaddled up to sleep.

    The most useless baby product I received is the metric ton of, burp cloths, receiving blankets, swaddle cloths etc. Although, they do make good dishcloths.

  10. April · November 17, 2008

    My favorite baby item is a swing especially the papasan style swings. It’s wonderful when the baby gets fussy and when I tried everything else to calm her down.

  11. Gretchen · November 17, 2008

    My most favorite baby item has o be my New Native baby sling. I have tried SO many of them and this is the best by far for a little one. I can nurse in the middle of the grocery store while I am shopping and pushing my 3 year old in the cart! Best of all no one has a clue that she is eatting! she is close to me and I still have my hand ready to help my son. Perfect for a mom of more than one child!

    The most useless thing…By far… tiny baby shoes! What is wrong with comfy shoes on a tiny baby? I can’t understand that one.

  12. Mommy Bee · November 15, 2008

    I think my wrap was the single most useful thing I had for my son…I wore him all over the place…he’s 22 months now and actually I still wear him a lot–he’s too heavy for the one-shouldered sling, but the wrap is still going strong!

    I think those travel systems are pretty rediculous…keep the baby in the seat and move him from car to stroller to swing…don’t people want to *touch* their babies anymore?!

  13. mommyof3 · November 14, 2008

    First, let me just say that the diaper cover above is adorable!! And I thought the Bummi’s ones had cute patterns…
    “What is your favorite, gotta have it, can’t imagine living without it, baby product?” Toss up here between the cloth diaper service, which was heavenly not to have even more laundry than this family of 5 creates on a daily basis… and those little undershirts that snap in the front so you don’t have to pull the onesies over the head. I liked those a lot … and then my children so quickly grew that I couldn’t use them very long.

    “What is the most pointless baby product that is still on the market. One of those things that everyone registers for but never uses or something you’d just like to see never used again.” Formula, hands down.

  14. avill7 · November 14, 2008

    Hands down…my Babyhawk is the best thing I have! She’s 15 months old and I still wear her around – mostly on my back though. I don’t know what I would have done without it!

    Thanks for having the giveaway!

  15. Beth · November 14, 2008

    “What is your favorite, gotta have it, can’t imagine living without it, baby product?”

    GRIPE WATER. Holy cow – without that “magic potion” we would have had many more sleepless colicy nights! That stuff is amazing and always seemed to calm her tummy almost immediately.

    After that would be my 8 yards of fabric I used to wrap Morgan on and the carrier I borrowed from Jessica – LIFE SAVERS!

    “What is the most pointless baby product that is still on the market. One of those things that everyone registers for but never uses or something you’d just like to see never used again.”

    Manual breast pumps – or battery ones you buy at Target. With my first daughter – I bought 4 or 5 different ones — easily enough to just have gone and gotten the Madella really GOOD one we have.

    Oh, and formula ;)

  16. Leti · November 14, 2008

    I love the baby carrier, it keeps my baby close to me, which we both love. and I couldnt live without my nursing wrap, keeps me covered and babys happy.

  17. Kristin · November 14, 2008

    “What is the most pointless baby product that is still on the market. One of those things that everyone registers for but never uses or something you’d just like to see never used again.”

    A bottle warmer. I registered for one with my first baby and never used the thing…my son was exclusively breastfed and never took a bottle!

    Love the diaper cover. I’m pregnant now and it’s still too early to find out what we’re having. The pink is cute, though!

  18. jessica lee #2 · November 14, 2008

    i can not concieve of a reality without my wrap…i am using a sleepy wrap brand….with the 7wk old little guy, i just don’t think anything would get done without him strapped to me…like right at this moment he is strapped to me and im doing internet stuffies…..LOVE LOVE LOVE wearing babies…i would wear my husband if we could figure out a way to do it….

    useless products: i would like to say an “amen” to the above suggestions as well!! and i would like to add to that list any baby clothing that has ruffles of lace or anything with synthetic fabric…nothing but cotton please….or soft cuddly products are welcome too…..but those totally silly and useless dress/panty sets for girls are pointless…and then further more the atrocious trend of putting toddlers in “hoochie” attire is disgusting….all those shirts that say “flirt” or even “tease”……as a culture we are sexualizing our little girls WAY too much…

    and so im now stepping off my soap box…sorry for the rant…

  19. Holly · November 14, 2008

    Baby Einstein Videos are something I’d like to never see anyone use again. TV for babies is ridiculous.

  20. helen · November 14, 2008

    i would have to say our slings were the most useful item we had with the twins. im guessing it will be even more useful with the singleton that’s due any time now! and im super excited to use my buckle tai when s/he is a bit bigger.

  21. Lisa · November 14, 2008

    I’m still waiting for #1 to make his/her appearance, so I’m not sure yet what items are useful and which are pointless!

    BUT – funny story – I’m guessing that the hand-me-down breast pump that my mom gave me from when she had my younger siblings will be pretty pointless, seeing as it’s over 15 years old!! Ok mom, don’t know what you were thinking there, but that’s one heirloom I don’t think I can use…

  22. holli jo · November 14, 2008

    Favorite item: Exercise ball. I couldn’t bounce my baby to sleep without it. Second place: Wraps and slings.

    And I have found all my baby gear to be useful. Nothing pointless for me.

  23. Tabitha · November 14, 2008

    For my cloth-diapered baby, I put a contoured changing table pad on top of my dryer. Then all the diapering supplies on a shelf above the washer/dryer. This worked out PERFECT! The diaper laundry and messy clothes ended up right where they needed to be, in the laundry room. It seems like this would work just as well for a disposable diapered baby. Very convenient for some houses!

  24. valarie · November 14, 2008

    I love boobs! why anyone would formula feed by choice is completely beyond me. I can’t imagine having to get up in the middle of the night to make a bottle- and several times a night those first few months. It makes me tired just to think about it. ;)

  25. Kimberly · November 14, 2008

    I’ve found that with each baby different things were “necessary” or completely useless. One thing that I’ve found to be useful with ALL of them has been a little bouncy chair. Just one of those cheapo ones that vibrate. They’ve allowed me to take many showers with a happy baby sitting in the bathroom! :-)

  26. Jenn Burns · November 14, 2008

    w/my first (using disposables) i thought a wipe warmer was pointless, but with my second (using cloth), i was SOOO grateful for the wipe warmer i recieved as a gift, for holding my “wipe solution” (water with a touch of dr. bronner’s) , that i dip my cloth wipes in.

    that is an amazingly cute diaper btw!

  27. Megan (cakeums) · November 14, 2008

    The My Brest Friend nursing pillow was a total lifesaver for me, I only wish I hadn’t waited till my daughter was a few weeks old to buy it.

  28. Emily · November 14, 2008

    I think the wipewarmer is the most pointless baby product but I know other people like it.

    I could not live without the soothie pacifiers, they saved my breast and my sanity many times.

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