Down to Earth Toys – Toy Giveaway!



Carrin, from Down to Earth Toys is giving away a shaker rattle. This handmade, heirloom quality rattle is all natural and made out of reclaimed woods from the Pacific Northwest. It makes an excellent teether, musical instrument or even a worry stone. It soft smooth service is perfect for little hands to grasp. To read about our experience with this rattle and other items from Down to Earth Toys please read the review HERE.

Share this giveaway on your own blog or other site that you frequent (make sure it is allowed first) and receive an extra entry for each website you post it on. Simply include the link to where you posted the giveaway within your comment. If you need to leave an extra comment with the links you posted it to, that is fine. The giveaway address is:

To enter the contest simply answer the question below in the comments section. Remember, there is no right or wrong answers and it does not matter if your answer is fancy or a few words:

“As a child what was your favorite toy? Why?” or “What was the toy that you ALWAYS wanted but you never had or were not allowed to have?”

Hmm. Nothing is really springing to my mind on this one. I do remember wanting a swing set and never having one. Seriously, mom and dad, what was that all about? I’m trying to think of a favorite or cherished toy and the only thing that I keep coming back to is this doll that I received for Christmas when I was 7  called “P J Sparkles”. Anyone remember that doll? I still remember the little commercial jingle and everything. “P J Sparkles, shine a light on me. Shine! Shine! Shine! When I give you a hug, you light up with love. And all through the night, when I’m holding you tight.” LOLOL

Now I wish I would have kept P J Sparkles because I know my daughter would love her. And just for good measure here is a picture of her (taken from the all wonderful eBay. She is going for a pretty penny these days).


Contest ends Sunday December 14th at 11:59 pm. Winner will be announced Monday December 15th.


  1. Sally Jackson · December 14, 2008

    The Happy Apple was my all time favorite toy!! It was simple and didn’t require any batteries, which probably made my mom happy, and I got so much entertainment out of it. If I could find a Happy Apple again I would buy it. All it is is a small plastic apple with a big, smiling face, and it chimes and jingles when you move it around.

  2. Angela · December 11, 2008

    As a child what was your favorite toy? Why?” or “What was the toy that you ALWAYS wanted but you never had or were not allowed to have?”

    My favorite toy was an Ewok that I got for my birthday.. I remember I was sooo mad at my mom since I wanted the girl one and I got the boy one and I threw a fit on my birthday. Stayed mad at her the whole day.. spoiled nah.. I never did get the girl one. I fell in love with the one I got. :)

    I also remember how popular the cabbage patch kids were back then and they sold out so fast we didn’t get one for Xmas. We had to settle for a handmade one which was better but we did eventually get one later. Funny how my 8 yr old loves her cabbage patch dolls.

  3. Erin · December 11, 2008

    I once cried for hours because I was told I couldn’t have an American Girls doll. I actually got one 2 or 3 years later & played with it for a week before getting sick of it!

  4. Tabitha · December 11, 2008

    I always wanted the doll that peed & pooped it’s diaper. My mom said NO WAY! Never got that!

    But I did get Fashion Plates, and the Barbie you could put makeup/fix hair on. Loved those!

  5. chandra · December 11, 2008

    LOL…I just saw someone write “treasure trolls” and it made me crack up. Jess, remember our late night troll talent shows? LOL

    My favorite childhood toy. I loved dolls. I loved being a “mommy” and carrying around my “baby” everywhere. I would even wake up at night and pretend my baby was crying and rock her back to sleep. So fun :)

  6. Beth · December 11, 2008

    “As a child what was your favorite toy? Why?”

    My favorite was the coffee pot where when you “poured” it it looked like the liquid was going out – and then you sat it up and it came back – pure magic I tell you!

    “What was the toy that you ALWAYS wanted but you never had or were not allowed to have?”

    The doll who went pee. Darnit – I wanted her – but my mom saw a mess waiting to happen – hence no peeing doll for me!

  7. holly · December 10, 2008

    Unlike you, you poor dear, I got the swingset. I loved it. Still love swinging to this day. I almost cried when my son showed me he could swing by himself because I was so proud of him, and I could swing with him instead of pushing from behind!

  8. holli jo · December 10, 2008

    As a child I ALWAYS wanted the rock tumbler/polisher kit that was in the Sear’s Wishbook. I never got it, though. Someday I’ll find one and buy it for myself. :)

  9. journeytocrunchville · December 10, 2008

    Jenn Burns, I have to comment on your comment. I had a stuffed bear that I loved and slept with every night. One year I got a Hampster for Christmas and the Hampster ate a hole in the back of my bears head. I used to keep letters and jewelry and other treasures in it too! I wish I would have kept him now. I think he just got thrown away when I was out of High School.

  10. Robin · December 10, 2008

    My favorite toy is a much-loved stuffed rabbit. He’s brown with some white, and he used to wear a pair of denim overalls, but they fell apart, beyond repair, so I made him some new clothes when I was a preteen. He still has those – brown pants and a blue terrycloth tee.

  11. Jenn Burns · December 10, 2008

    i had a stuffed racoon named “racoony” (very creative) that i slept with up through high school. as i got older he got a hole in his neck & i used to write little notes & thoughts & secrets on small pieces of paper & stuff them into the hole. Then like a silly teenager when i moved after the 10th grade i gave it to my boyfriend at the time. course we broke up a few months later & i never saw racoony again.

  12. Pingback: Help!! Regarding Giveaways « Journey To Crunchville
  13. Mary Jenkins · December 10, 2008

    I had 80 Barbie dolls by the time I was12! (And no, we were not rich!) I gave away the ones in good condition and tossed the rest. Wish I still had some for my daughter to play with now.

  14. jessica lee #2 · December 9, 2008

    i also was a troll collector….and loved myself several my-little-ponies…..barbie was huge….but nothing compared to my cabbage patch doll…her name is Sarah Collet….i still have her and she is still fabulous…

    but my secret childhood obsession was paperwork…any kind of paperwork….i would beg to have blank receipt books and old invoices…i loved to file, stack and write important documents…lol

  15. naturalmommy · December 9, 2008

    Im always on the hunt for interesting toys for my girls, and umm i think i still have a few of my own lol

  16. Karen · December 9, 2008

    My favorite toys as a child were trolls. Remember those little characters with the fluffy hair that came in all different colors? My sister, Lisa, and I collected them and created an elaborate troll society complete with jobs, ceremonies, and wars. We sewed clothes for them, made houses for them, and wrote a book about their history. I’m 50 years old and still have my trolls, though I don’t play with them much anymore. I believe Lisa still has hers too. Aria will have mine when she’s old enough to appreciate them.

  17. cindy · December 9, 2008

    My favorite toys as a child were my little ponies, but what I really wanted was a real horse! I never got it though :(

  18. mommyof3 · December 9, 2008

    “As a child what was your favorite toy? Why?” or “What was the toy that you ALWAYS wanted but you never had or were not allowed to have?”

    Fav Toy as a child: Baby Alive. I just loved her…. and I always wanted that Enormous Barbie Dream House… never got it.

  19. Jill · December 9, 2008

    I LOVED my treasure trolls, the ones that had the jewel on their belly buttons, lol. I want to get my daughter some now. However, she’s 3 months so this toy will be perfect for her. :)

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