We’re Moving…

Well we are going to be moving, yet again, in a little more than 2 months. Mike and I have tried to promise each other that we would stop moving so often but for one reason or another we have never stayed in one house longer than 2 years. This will be Camdens 5th house that she has lived in and she is only 3 1/2 years old. Poor thing. LOL.

We will be moving back to the beautiful Northwest and most likely in Bellingham or the surrounding area by October 1st. We want to time the move before the winter hits the mountain passes but we’ll also have a new baby so we didn’t want to move September 1st. Our new baby will only be about 4-5 weeks when we move so please wish us luck. I will be pretty much all but useless during the actual move which is nice in some ways but annoying in others. We’ve all ready had members of our Church and our friends offer to help us in any way that we need, so that is nice.

Camden is excited about the move but that is because I don’t think she realizes how far away our friends will be. I am a bit worried on how well she will be able to handle so many changes at once, the move and the new baby. I’m worried she’s really going to regress a lot but I guess there is not much you can do about that. On a positive note, Camden is very excited to be able to see her sister more often and to spend more time with her cousins and see her grandparents more often.

I am both excited and saddened about the move. Excited to be back in the beautiful Northwest and to take advantage of all the wonderful things the area has to offer. I have found some really neat mommy groups to join all ready and have all ready located a liscensed raw milk farm to buy milk from and it will be nice to be close to Trader Joe’s and a food co-op and all the wonderful farmer’s markets, etc. But I am really, really going to miss my friends and it also stinks to be moving to Bellingham in October which pretty much means we will be moving into rain for about the first six months of our move. We keep trying to prepare Cami for the rain but all she says is, “I don’t like rain.” LOL.

We have less than 4 weeks until the baby is due and I am finally starting to feel prepared for this baby as far as organization goes. I’ve made almost all the last minute purchases we need and unpacked all the blankets and burp cloths, clothing, etc. I’m waiting on one more package in the mail that has some diaper pins, snappi’s and cloth diaper liners in it and the only thing we have left to purchase is one small pack of 7th generation disposable diapers that we’ll use for the first few days before I start cloth diapering and also some baby bath soap (I think I will get something by Earth Mama Angel Baby). I still have to wash everything since I got the Allens Naturally soap I ordered on Friday and haven’t had a chance to launder anything yet. I also need Mike to go to the hardware store and buy the eye hook to install in the ceiling for the Happy Hangup we have. I think that’s it?

Mentally, I am getting really excited to have this baby and am excited about the birth. Baby likes to hangout posterior a lot which is really convenient for me because it is not as uncomfortable as when they are anterior but labor wise we want baby to turn anterior soon. I am having a lot more braxton hicks contactions and they are definitely getting stronger but I don’t really think this baby will be early. I’m thinking he/she will be born right around the due date (August 22nd). I should be having a prenatal appointment sometime this week and I will update when that happens. I think Shilowe is also going to take some more pregnancy shots of me this week.

Someone from Church called last week and they want to throw me a baby shower which I thought was really, really sweet. I was definitely not planning on one of those this time around. They are trying to decide if we are going to have it before or after the baby is born since we don’t know the baby’s gender. I am hoping they’ll plan it for after so that everyone will have a chance to see the baby since with the move happening right after the baby is born I don’t think we’ll make it to Church to say good-bye before we go.

Anyway, it’s been hard to keep up with the blog lately so I’m sure it will only get worse over the next several months trying to juggle a new baby, a 3 year old, finding a new place to live and moving across the state. Wish us luck!